Saturday, April 18, 2015

Why Dolphins are greater than Cancer

"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit" goes the traditional hymn and verse.
Cancer is represented by crabs... Dolphins eat crabs = Dolphins conquer cancer ?

There are many dolphins living near the 'tropic of cancer' around the globe, but none of these have cancer that we know of...

According to

"Dolphins are possibly the only other animal apart from us that can get hpv, but don't develop cervical cancer!" from


"Dolphins great Jim Mandich died Tuesday night at the age of 62 after a 14-month battle with bile duct cancer," The Miami Herald reported on June 2, 2014.

Interesting thoughts? WE think so...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Origin of Dolph-ens

I think it was Dolph Lundgren who once said, "My problem is that people get intimidated by someone big and beautiful like me. They hate to think I can be smart as well."

I think most dolphins could identify.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Creationimal ordinariis

Fins, intelligence, blow-holes,

What's not to like?

A tiger?
Claws, sharp teeth, pouncing

Which would you rather be?

Big feet & toes, small, whip-like tails, patchy hair, coarse skin

Giraffe - always trying, reaching so high for leafy vegetation

Beautiful, but kinda Anti-social, right?

too wet

Isn't there an animal that goes far beyond these categories?  What about a creator animal - genus creatoradins phylum ordinariis prophetus?  What?  I just like picturing a brush of melon (color) painting over our ordinary distinctions, breaking down every barrier - by word or by re-enacting (re-ordering and creating again) - distinctions become invisible and new creation is manifest - re-creating as function - and we need new categories to describe each subsequent creative act.

Going back to the tiger - in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, spelt with an 'y' (or is it "a" 'y' since its really an "i" sound?) well, no, really - they do... pounce - and if I were to accuse you of pouncing - it would seem like an insult - too animalian an accusation - unless you happened to have a special place in your heart for 'tigger' - cause that's what tigger's do bethd!

So maybe the jury is out.  Let me know what you think

Dolphins versus other animalia

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Dolphins have been used in media

in magazines, advertisements, story books,
on calendars, keychains,
for mascots, logos, and tattoos...

dolphins mate for life
it is not uncommon to see artwork with two dolphins swimming together

dolphins can jump
in many images, dolphins are shown jumping out of water, as well

you can find dolphins in:
aquariums and amusement parks
movies and cartoons...